My First Blog..!!!

Hey friends,

I've just jumped into the online world, and no one knows anything about me. You guys are supposed to trust me and bookmark my blog, thus here is my first blog where you will know me in a better way.

I don’t just want to  be “the strange man behind the keyboard”. Thus heres a picture of mine.   

I am Miss Chubby and this is my first blog. I am yet a 20 years young student.  I am from Mumbai, India. I am still in my gaduation years.My life till now was a rolercoster ride with many ups and downs . Obviously we all have problems..Right? I thought to have a blog where each one can express our problems and solutions for so .   
Why Am I Blogging? 
    I have faced many issues regarding my health and life . My blogs will help you find solution to your problems . You should come to my blog as it will provide you with all the healing solutions to the disasters in your life. I have found many people coming to me and asking solutions and ideas for their issues thus this will be a easier medium to interact more such people

What Are You Going To Be Blogging About?

    I will be bloging about tips on fitness , beauty tips, tips to maintain relationships, healthy recepies and also whatever you ask me to blog for.... 


I will be interacting with you people about what you want me to blog for or with your stories on my blog .. So it will be helpfull for you too 

  You can contact me through comments or my mail id which will be available on blog . You can ask questions, give some suggestions or complaints as you like. 
Are you with me ? Don’t forget to share it 


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